Friday, November 15, 2013

Two murders, two writers two real estate agents, one village

When I bought my studio a couple of years back the real estate agent wanted to be a writer. I told him I was just publishing Murder in Argelès. There's a local author who had written a book with the same title only in French. On the way back to the office he stopped at the Librarie (book store) and bought it for me.

Fast forward to now when Rick and I were with another real estate agent who was showing us the orange house above. We were talking about the flavour of the village and how I love how the old women and old men gather on certain benches and talk about how they would save the world. "The bench by Elisabeth's," the agent said, "It's called the Senator's Bench."

"I know, I first learned from a mystery Murder in Argelès, the French one, not the one I wrote.

He stopped and looked at me. "You wrote a book called that? My Uncle wrote a French one by the same title."

As for the house, it is across from the 14th century church, narrow and deep with a wonderful terrace where we can see the mountains. Not sure we're ready to buy, but if we were, that would be it.

Before we parted, I told the agent when he saw his uncle to tell him how much I'd enjoyed his novel.

1 comment:

Eulalie Drury said...

J'aime la maison orange. --Eulalie