Saturday, August 30, 2014

Miracle toothpaste

As an expat or in my case a repat, there are always things missed from the home country. When I first arrived in Switzerland in 1990, I wanted Oreos so badly that I dreamed about them.

It didn't matter that I almost never, ever ate them in Boston.

Now they are available everywhere and I seldom buy them.

Stouffer's Welsh Rarebit is unavailable here. The times I'm in the States I will eat it several days running on English muffins (something else hard to find). If it's asparagus season so much the better.

Although you can get corn on the cob here now (it used to be only cow food) nothing was as good as the New England corn, picked as the water was boiling. Now I've heard it's all GMO corn so I'm less sad.

Which brings me to the reason for this blog--my miracle toothpaste.

Crest original formula has always been my favorite toothpaste. (There was a couple of years I used a special French one no longer on the market).

However, for all the products that are being sold internationally, Crest isn't one of them. Sometimes the American store has one in Geneva.

It struck home when in one Christmas everyone gave everyone else a tube of original formula Crest.

Now I'm almost to the end of the tube pictured above and have been for past three weeks. I've pressed from the bottom up and pressed and pressed. Each time I thought it was impossible to get any more out with a little pressure the baby blue paste pops out.

Maybe Rick is adding paste every night when I'm not looking. Or it's a miracle. I like the miracle idea better.

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