Wednesday, August 20, 2014

We found it

My mother, Dorothy Sargent Boudreau, as I was growing up did many things right. When I was an adult she did more things wrong, making me feel I had to protect myself from her.

 The subjects we disagreed on are far too many to list, but some of the areas we could agree on were Scrabble, how wonderful my daughter was, clothes and -- food.  We both loved food.

My mother had many careers: secretary, designer/owner of a stuffed animal direct mail business, cosmetic saleswoman, owner of a dress business on a party plan and finally a reporter.

She was a great writer first as a straight journalist for the Lawrence Eagle-Tribune and the Boston Herald. After retirement, she wrote columns for the LET until her death in 1990. One was about people watching, the other was Stove Stories which included the history of the recipes.

Food was more than food for her. It contained memories of friends, funny or sad incidents, conversations had.

She created a cookbook, but it was never published. The manuscript came with me to Switzerland. About three months ago I thought, I could blog the manuscript.

Only I couldn't find it.

Admittedly my filing system, had little to do with system. Rick pressured me to look through all my folders in the nest. Voilà there it was. Granted the paper had strange brown spots, like it had been exposed to a burning cigarette and some of the pages were frayed.

I've set up the blog, Stove Stories. I've started to transcribe the recipes. I will not publish any until I get them all up.

Stove Stories will see the light of day. I think my mother would have been pleased.

1 comment:

Melissa Miller said...

I look forward to it. Food and I are good friends!