Saturday, September 20, 2014

Rock, paper, scissors

As kids my brother and I would solve disputes with the game rock, paper scissors.

On the count of three we would shake out our hand.

Two fingers extended were scissors.

A flat hand is paper.

A fist is rock.

Rock breaks scissors.

Scissors cut paper.

Paper covers rock.

Rick is  very considerate and is always wanting to carry my things but when he is loaded down it is not fair. Until now we would argue slightly...please let me, no, please let me,no please let...

At the airport he had four things to tote or roll. I had two. We did the usual let me no let me conversation then I hit upon the old rock, scissors, paper game.  Three tries later my paper covered his rock,I picked up my backpack and went up the escalator without worry or guilt he was shouldering too much.

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