Saturday, July 11, 2015

It's not exactly writer's block

It's not exactly writer's block, but I can't seem to get back to polishing my novel Murder in Edinburgh

I'm able to write emails, blogs and work on a book with my ex-boss. Thus, I can't complain about complete writer's block, although I would like to.

I know between the surgery on Tuesday and the FATCA lawsuit to be filed on the same day there's a lot on my mind. 

Still, when I saw this ash tray at a restaurant in Collonge-Bellerive, it was almost like it was nagging me. It also made me a bit sorry I didn't smoke and have almost no friends that come to smoke in my home. 

I wouldn't steal it from the restaurant so the nag stays in the next town.

I have a variety of other projects.
  • Get my short stories into Kindle
  • Put Wise Words on Writing into Kindle and/or try to market it to a publisher
  • Polish Triple Decker and start submitting it to publishers
I start each day with the best intentions. I could say 
appointments get in the way
  • heat wipes me out
  • I play too many computer games
  • I'd prefer to listen to Max Keiser
I went back to a newsletter that I'd written in July 2005 on how deal with it.

Why is it so easy to give advice but so hard to take your own?

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