Friday, August 05, 2016

Woman talk

Okay I'm a long-time feminist, but that does not mean I'm anti-male.

I do find that if I meet ten women, I will be able to form some kind of friendship bond with nine. With ten men it will be maybe one or two but that bond will be as deep or deeper than the female ones.

The last two days I've been lucky enough to connect deeply with three women (four if you consider Cordelia, the dog).

Yesterday it was a luncheon with a fellow writer (and Cordelia) and my former housemate at a tea and lunch room.

Rick later asked what we talked about for almost three hours.
  • Friendship
  • Marriage
  • Creativity
  • Writing
  • Human nature
  • Trust
  • Honesty
The discussion covered theory and personal. What was left unspoken was the warmth, the openness and the complete trust we had in our confidences.

The second was this morning. My former neighbor from Syria, now a doctor in Paris, and her husband are visiting. We slipped away to the village tea room to catch up not on just our lives, but those of friends and family whom we've shared with one another over the years. We consider each other family of choice. Our originally, our apartments shared a wall where we would tap out messages a symbol of all the other things we shared, a list far too long for a blog.

The walk back to the house with the view of clouds, mountains, lake and vineyards might also be a symbol for the richness of our friendship.

Blessed are women friends.

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