Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Another example of me as a COW

COW = Cranky Old Woman

It has to do with body lotion, shampoo and après shampoo bottles.

I am also cheap. When I buy any of these products, I want to use all of what it contains. Now I admit, I'm not the strongest person in the world, but the amount of strength needed to squeeze out the last drops is beyond me. Likewise removing the caps are hard.

I mentioned my difficulty to Rick, (one of the advantages of our marriage is that I have a pair of hands to open recalcitrant containers of all types) and he admitted, he too had the same problem although he refused to be beaten by a bottle of shampoo.

The next sentence proves my cowdom...I remember the good old days with soft plastic and easy to remove caps. I wish they were back at least as far as these containers are concerned.

THERE--I've said it. I feel better. Moooo. 

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