Monday, November 09, 2020

Espresso brownies


I am not a big Starbucks fan, preferring to go to independent coffee shops and tea rooms. However, I do like Starbuck chai lattes. I also loved (notice past tense) their espresso brownies. Sigh, they discontinued them a couple of years back.

When I lived in Corsier, I'd be working at my desk and the smell of chocolate would waft up the stairs. I knew my housemate was baking brownies. Even if they were destined to be a gift, I knew a few would make their way into the goodies for all area of the kitchen. She makes the best in the world.

However, when we are in Argelès, Corsier is far, far away. Almost as good is our "Brownie Lady" who sells brownies and other goodies at the Saturday marché.

I asked her about espresso brownies. They agreed to research it and today, this wonderful election day, we were presented with 12 espresso brownies. Some have been eaten with champagne to celebrate Biden's victory, some have been shared and a four await us.

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