Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Nov. 10 Vertigo


This month I am part of a group that is doing a flash fiction piece a day. We have prompts. Today's was use vertigo. I didn't use the word but the condition. Flash fiction is usually a complete story under 750 words.

“A few more steps.”

I shut my eyes to stop the dizziness and grab hold of the rails. Are shuffles steps? 

Think steps.

Step dance.


Stepping out with my sweetheart.

Don’t faint. Concentrate. One foot in front of the other.

The dizziness passes.

It didn’t pass when I stepped off the curb months ago. I never saw or heard the car. Someone told me it was silent, electric.

“Five more steps and you’re done for the day,” the physical therapist says.

I get to the end and fall into her arms, my head swirling.

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